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Extraction model of low methoxyl pectin from apple pomace effects of acid concentration and time on the process and the product BABT
Fertonani,Heloísa Cristina Ramos; Scabio,Ardalla; Carneiro,Eliana Beleski Borba; Schemim,Maria Helene Canteri; Nogueira,Alessandro; Wosiacki,Gilvan.
In Brazil, one of the top apple producing countries in the world, apple processing is an increasing activity, with pomace as the main by-product. To extract pectin from pomace, factors affecting process and product should be studied for optimization. A model to produce LMP directly from dried apple pomace was established observing the effects of HNO3 concentration and the time of reaction at 97ºC, analyzed from a statistical and practical point of view. The model for gravimetric yield (R² =0.9834) predicts the highest value of 20.07 g/100 g (126 mM; 14.07 min) of a pectin with a degree of esterification of 48.49%. The model for degree of esterification of extracted pectin (R²= 0.9797) predicts the lowest value of 43.73% (200 mM; 10.07 min) with a yield of...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Apple; Pectin; Extraction; LMP; Nitric acid.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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